You can gather User Feedback from your website, or through other channels, and push it to Planbox. You can then easily create items. Click here for details and use cases.

Gets all user feedback for a product.

POST Arguments

  • product_id: Product from which to retrieve user feedback.


Returns this JSON object:

{code:<result_code>, content:<result>}

Where <result_code> will be 'ok' on success, or 'error' on failure.
Where <result> is an array of feedback objects on success or an error message string upon failure.

A feedback object has these properties:

  • id: Unique feedback id
  • product_id: Parent product id.
  • request: User feedback text request.
  • email: Email of user who sent the feedback.
  • resource_id: Resource id of user if he/she has a Planbox account and is on this product. Null if not.
  • date: Date and time user feedback was sent.
  • page_title: Ttile of the page the user was on.
  • page_url: URL of the web page the user was on.

Javascript Example

Uses jQuery's post function to fetch all user feedback on product id 1234.

$.post('', {product_id:1234}, 'json');

Deletes a user feedback. You must be an admin to perform this call.

POST Arguments

  • product_id: Parent product id.
  • feedback_id: Feedback id.


Returns this JSON object:

{code:<result_code>, content:<result>}

Where <result_code> will be 'ok' on success, or 'error' on failure.
Where <result> is an empty string on success or an error message string upon failure.

Javascript Example

Uses jQuery's post function to delete user feedback 5678 on product id 1234.

	{product_id:1234, feedback_id:5678}, 'json');