Planbox Agile PM Software Component List
v. January 2018
Planbox Agile PM tool incorporates third party components whose licenses require us to publish their licensing language and/or copyright notices. In compliance with those requirements, here are links to these software components and their licenses. All code is MIT, BSD or Apache Licensed.
- rack
- rake
- sprockets
- ejs
- execjs
- yui-compressor
- coffee-script
- jade
- sass
- stylus
- whenever
- invoker
- capistrano
- capistrano-maintenance
- capistrano-nc
- bundler
- rails
- rails-api
- mysql2
- composite_primary_keys
- safe_attributes
- acts_as_paranoid
- valid_email
- yajl-ruby
- devise
- cancancan
- inherited_resources
- active_model_serializers
- state_machine
- paper_trail
- rack-cors
- rack-jsonp-tools
- analytics-ruby
- zendesk_api
- griddler
- griddler-mandrill
- render_csv
- chronic_duration
- has_scope
- icalendar
- kaminari
- request_store
- jbuilder
- haml-rails
- rack
- carrierwave
- carrierwave-aws
- mini_magick
- delayed_job_active_record
- rest-client
- stripe
- stripe_event
- newrelic_rpm
- sentry-raven
- whenever
- foreman
- unicorn
- pry-rails
- pry-nav
- rails-erd
- capistrano
- capistrano-nc
- better_errors
- binding_of_caller
- rspec-rails
- factory_girl_rails
- byebug
- guard-rails
- guard-rspec
- spring
- spring-commands-rspec
- timecop
- vcr
- shoulda-matchers
- webmock
- capybara
- poltergeist
- launchy
- backbone
- backbone-filtered-collection
- backbone.marionette
- backbone-query-parameters
- bootstrap-datepicker
- bootstrap-sass
- fullcalendar
- jquery
- jquery-autosize
- jquery-file-upload
- moment
- moment-duration-format
- raphael
- raven-js
- select2
- spin.js
- underscore
- underscore.string
- wysihtml5x
- zeroclipboard
- highcharts